Published in 2006, NEMESIS is a generic
horror RPG that uses a hybrid of the One Roll Engine (ORE) rules from
Godlike, and the Madness Meter from Unknown Armies. Created by Greg
Stolze and Dennis Detwiller this 52 page PDF can be Downloaded free
of charge HERE.
The rules are an interesting twist on
dice rolling mechanics. The One Roll Engine utilizes solely d10s and
is designed to provide all the information needed in one roll. Task
resolution is done by rolling a dice pool (maximum 10 dice). Dice
pools are created by taking the skill you want to use (skills are
rated in dice with human average of 1-5) and adding dice from from
one of six associated ability scores (the 6 scores are rated in dice
with human average of 1-5). Success is determined by making matches.
The height and width of your roll determines how successful you are
at an action. Width equals how many matching dice you have, hight
equals how high those matches are. So for example if you rolled a
pool of 8 dice (for example 4 for the Body ability, 4 for Martial
Arts skill) and got a 4, 7, 8, 4, 6, 9, 4, 1, your roll would be
noted as 3 x 4 or a width of 3 and a height of 4.
The other interesting mechanic is the
Madness Meter. This was first seen in the Unknown Armies RPG and
functions as a way of tracking a characters mental health. There are
four gauges that track: Violence, the Unnatural, Self, and
Helplessness. Characters can become hardened to sanity blasting
effects or become unstable and descend into madness. I feel like this
system helps emulate real life mental trauma better than say the Call
of Cthulhu sanity system.
The core mechanic is relatively simple
and with additional rules adding layers of complexity. The system
itself seems to lend itself to tinkering and seems like they would be
able to handle most if not all genres without a problem. While
technically there seems to be enough here to run a game and its
available free I personally feel like the NEMESIS document is
incomplete. It feels like there should be a little more meat on this
things bones. A minor thing but I feel it bears mentioning. Lastly
these days I find myself more and more of the mind that RPGs should
be setting specific as opposed to being generic. Again just an
opinion. Lastly there is a Call of Cthulhu/Godlike Conversion Document available for download that would work well as a guide for
converting the massive back catalog of Chaosium material out there.
Final thoughts. This seems like a very
cool system. I feel like it captures that line between the crunch and
rules light system I'm looking for. I defiantly wanna tinker around
with the rules a bit and see what I can do with them. In particular I
think they would make a great replacement in a Call of Cthulhu
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