This is how I having been giving out XP out in my Forbidden Wilderlands campaign. So far it's been working out pretty well. The idea was to reward finding treasure and discourage fighting monsters old school style. When the players first realized how little XP they got from fighting monsters it was a real shock to them. I use the carousing rules from Jeff Reints blog. I've had mixed reactions from it and I'm not sure if we will continue to use it.
Experience Points Check List
- Show up to the game session? [100 XP/Individual]
- Travel through at least one unexplored hex on the map? [100 XP/Individual]
- Discover a new adventure site/dungeon level? [100 XP/Individual]
- Defeat one or more monsters? [half defeated monsters listed XP divided by group]
- Find a treasure? [1 XP/gp divided by group]
- Build a function in your stronghold? [100 XP/Individual]
- Risk your life for another PC? [100 XP/Individual]
- Perform an extraordinary action of some kind or earn inspiration? [100 XP/Individual]
- Spend gold on carousing [see carousing table per Individual]
- Did you suffer from your flaw? [100 XP/Individual]
- Did you roleplay your Bond/Ideal? [100 XP/Individual]
Carousing Rules
Spend 1d6 x 100 gp and gain that much XP
Make DC 15 Constitution Save
If you fail roll 1d20 on carousing table.
If you spend more money than you have you owe that much to an organization or
individual rewards by characters’ tier
1: levels 1-5
2: levels 6-10
3: levels 11-15
4: levels 16-20
When players are stuck in google solitär, they can deal an additional row of cards to the tableau, provided no empty columns exist.