Artwork by Ray Bender |
The City-State of Kossuth claims two
mountain chains, the Everdusks and Thule, and one major waterway, the
Rubyrun River.
Rubyrun River
The Rubyrun is a wide and deep fresh
water river rich in iron giving it it's ruby red look. The water is
fresh and clean. There is much river traffic. The river acts as a
major trade route to the south west into the lands of Hykiria and
Bryndor. Most halflings in the City-State are river folk. They live
on barges, and fishing boats traveling up and down the length of the
river. Two major threats exist on and below the water. The first is
the river pirates that plague boat traffic and raid riverside
villages. Despite an increase in the City-State's naval presence the
pirates always seem to be one step ahead. The second, and less
frequently encountered threat is the Crayfish-men that live in
villages below the river. Something has been causing them to be more
active recently, though what that might be is anyones best guess.
River Encounters
Roll 1d10
1. River Pirates
2. Halfling River Barge
3. Fishing Boat
4. Crayfish-Men
5. City-State Naval Patrol Boat
6. Funeral Pyre Boat
7. Giant Pike
8. Goblin War Raft
10. Floating Debris
The River Road Encounters
Roll 1d10
1. Human Merchant Caravan
2. Gnomish Merchants
3. City-State Legionnaires
4. Highway Bandits
5. Elven Blockade
6. Bloody Paw Goblins (see Tharzad-Dul,
Mountain Door)
7. Farmers
8. Woad Barbarians
9. Broken Down Carriage
10. The Black Rider (See the Witchmire)
Everdusk Mountains
The Everdusk Mountains act as a natural
border for the City-State and divides it from the Yoshan Empire to
the East. These mountains hold many mysteries and have yet to be
fully explored. Like the underworld of Aerd, the high places of the
world tend be have thin borders to other worlds and gateways to the
weird. Giants and Yeti crawl the mountains as well as other more
bizarre creatures hailing from from far away lands.
Everdusk Mountains Encounters
Roll 1d10
1. Dreaming Monk
2. Yeti
3. Giants
4. Dusk Drake
5. Prospectors
6. Explorers
7. Shantank
8. Mountain Goats
9. Moon-Beast
10. Black Sky Barge
Sites of Interest
Hydra Mountain (Hex 1716)
Hydra Mountain, a place of power,
riddled with caves, dungeon levels, and secrets. Location of the
mega-dungeon of Tharzad-Dul.
The Dungeon of Tharzad-Dul (Hex
The eponymous mega-dungeon. Once the
home of the dwarves.
Giant Fortress (Hex 1720)
In the days before the first cataclysm
this was was a might fortress from which the giants ruled the
surrounding lands. Today it stands in ruins and is held by the most
powerful and charismatic of the Giant Warlords. Their is a faction of
these giants that seek to overthrow the current leader. They plan to
do this by brining back a powerful giant warlock from the grave. All
of Giant-Kind ounce hailed from the world of Yotaurus. Their history
tell of a time when they were much more than the barbaric tribes that
they are today. Prophecy speaks of a future day when the glory of the
giants will return.
The Valley that Time Forgot (Hex
This valley has remained hidden from
the world. This is because an enchantment on it acts as a temporal
trap. Creatures and people can go into this jungle paradise, but cant
leave. This powerful enchantment was placed on the valley in order to
trap a terrible God and imprison it here forever.
The Demonsbreath Pass (Not shown)
This dangerous pass is used by bold
travellers to navigate the mountains in order to have a quicker route
to the Yoshan Empire beyond.
The Monastery of Orsoom (Hex 1808)
This difficult to reach monastery
teaches martial arts, meditation, and other mysteries to those that
they deem worthy. Usually this involves the potential acolyte to
perform some sort of dangerous mission. Even then success does not
necessarily mean entry. The library here contains many rare texts and
Yotarian Gate (Hex 1805)
This deactivated gate leads to
Yotaurus, the home world of the Giants. It is protected by yeti and
other monsters. Some time in the near future the gate will open and
the true Giants armed with powerful magic and weapons will arrive
bent on conquest. They will use their barbarian brethren as shock
troops and do not consider them to be true giants, but some pathetic
The Thule Mountains
High in the Thule mountains lives the wizard Lhurwyn, his magic is
powerful and many come to him for advice. Deep below the Mountains
lies the ruins of a once glorious city of minotaurs who's barbaric
descendants war with a race of ogres and orcs augmented with a
variety of body enhancing implants.
Thule Mountain Encounters
Roll 1d10
1. Xarlum Minotaur
2. Steelspine Ogre
3. Pilgrim
4. Shriek Hawk
5. Silverfoot Faun
6. Night Gaunt
7. Goat Shepard
8. Ironhand Orc
9. Crag Monkey
10. Lhurwyn the Mad
Sites of Interest
Xarloon Minotaur City (0214)
The Xarloon minotaurs are another race
from Yotaurus. At their peak they were great magicians and warriors.
Now few if any of this race can cast the simplest of spells.
Tower of Lhurwyn the Mad (Hex 0613)
Lhuryn the Mad, can see into the future
and perform great feats of magic. He is a lewd and disagreeable old
man. He has no need for money and will only aid those who bring him
young nubile women and men for him to sate his lusts. He is served by
enchanted crag monkeys who perform a variety of tasks including
spying, cleaning and fetching things for him. His tower is guarded by
magical guardians and traps.
True Lair of Khysophax (Hex 0711)
The true lair of Kysophax is located
deep in the mountains here. It can be reached by descending a deep
fissure in the mountain, or by long twisting cave tunnels back to the
Shadowheart forest.
Vault of Ersetu Sheen (Hex 0313)
Ersetu Sheen is a hybrid of machine,
man, and centaur. He is obsessed with creating and augmenting life.
His two greatest creations are the Ironhand Orcs and the Steelespine
Ogres. The Orcs all have their right hands removed and replaced with
a random weapon, including circular saw blades, flamethrowers,
shock-flails, or a iron fist mounted on a chain that can retract back
into the arm. The Steelspine ogres have a reinforced spine surgically
implanted on their backs. They typically have regenerating steel
spikes that can be launched at targets at range.